CROAGRO & Food and Healthy Living Fairs – International fair of agriculture, agricultural equipment and mechanization


CROAGRO & Food and Healthy Living Fairs – International fair of agriculture, agricultural equipment and mechanization

In front of the Croatian Association of Innovators in the common time from December 1st – 4th at CROAGRO – International fair of agriculture, agricultural equipment and mechanization and the Food and Healthy Living Fairs; research team led by Prof. Gabrijel Ondrašek PhD presented his award-winning innovations that resulted from the project Ash4Soil.

A report on the Ash4Soil project and the award-winning innovations that resulted from the project was recorded by Poljoprivredna Televizija and Online LIVE TV Croatia in the show Zeleno Sunce.

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Poljoprivredna-TV_3-1-1024x529 CROAGRO & Food and Healthy Living Fairs - International fair of agriculture, agricultural equipment and mechanization
Online-LIVE-TV-Croatia_3-1 CROAGRO & Food and Healthy Living Fairs - International fair of agriculture, agricultural equipment and mechanization

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ash4soil administrator